Bordering the city limits of Bellingham and the Sudden Valley community is Geneva . This neighborhood features waterfront and view homes along Lake Whatcom and also offers larger lots with a treed feel. Euclid Park is in Geneva neighborhood, and you are also near trails that lead to Galbraith Mountain and Whatcom Falls Park.

Holly Tremaine Swanson is a long-time resident of the neighborhood and shares some insights, and what she loves about where she lives.

The medium price range for homes in Geneva is currently $647,000, and prices range from $375,000 to over 1 million. Some homes are waterfront, but many more have waterfront access across the street along Lake Whatcom Boulevard. This neighborhood has a long history of a real community feel. Especially for those that live or enjoy boating along the shores of this area.

To contact Holly Tremaine Swanson directly, click here. 

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